2 Egg problem

A building has 100 floors. One of the floors is the highest floor an egg can be dropped from without breaking.

If an egg is dropped from above that floor, it will break. If it is dropped from that floor or below, it will be completely undamaged and you can drop the egg again.

Given two eggs, find the highest floor an egg can be dropped from without breaking, with as few drops as possible.


  • 一顆蛋

通常思路是每一層都要試,worst case要試100次。不過,應該也可以只試偶數層,如果沒破就繼續往上試,破了就知道threshold是減一的奇數層,這樣worst case只要試50次。

  • 無限顆蛋

用BinarySearch從一半的地方50層開始試,破了threshold就在1-50層,沒破就在51-100層。這樣每次可以去掉一半的可能性,log2100 = 6.6..因此,只要7顆蛋最多就可以測出27 = 128層的threshold,worst case要試7次。

  • 兩顆蛋

典型BinarySearch的worst case需要7顆蛋,在只有兩顆的情況下,如果一樣從50層開始試,worst case要試50次。但若第一顆蛋每10層試,先確定10位數後,第二顆蛋再每層試,這樣worst case只要試19次。

那是不是有辦法minimize worst case呢?根據上面的做法,若第一顆蛋在第10層就破了,worst case要試9次,與試到100層才破,worst case的19次之間有一段差距可以平均。我們可以每多試一個間隔,就減少一個間距,如此便可以進一步的減少worst case的測試次數。

x + (x - 1) + (x - 2) + … + 1 >= 100

x (x + 1) / 2 >= 1

x >= 14

drop floor
1 14
2 14 + 13 = 27
3 27 + 12 = 39
4 39 + 11 = 50
5 50 + 10 = 60
6 60 + 9 = 69
7 69 + 8 = 76
8 76 + 7 = 83
9 83 + 6 = 89
10 89 + 5 = 94
11 94 + 4 = 98
12 98 + 3 = 101 -> 100

結論就是不管第一顆蛋在哪層炸開,worst case都只要試14次。

  • n顆蛋


  1. 蛋破了:變成n - 1顆蛋,x - 1層樓。
  2. 蛋沒破:要檢查剩下的k - n層樓,還是n顆蛋。

關鍵是要minimize worst case,看怎麼reduce成我們已知的base case,然後注意有沒有重覆計算的部分。

ref: http://www.datagenetics.com/blog/july22012/index.html?fbclid=IwAR1Yfcop3Dm05ogZth9iFaBfVDSBTJjAuvdSaOqNRhulsJfk80eKuhQQWI0

Written on December 1, 2018