
Sharing what I find interesting during daily work. It’s all about giving back to the community.

More Information

My name is Taoyuan Wang, or you can just call me Alan. I’m currently a software engineer in Appen China startup team.

We develop crowdsourcing platform to provide data collection and annotation services to global companies that are transforming their businesses with machine learning. I’m working on an AI-assisted 3D point cloud labeling platform for self-driving cars, drones, robotics, AR and VR applications.

I received my bachelor’s and master’s degree in computer science from Tsinghua University Taiwan. Then, I joined Academia Sinica Taipei as full-time research assistant and Works Applications Shanghai as full-stack developer before Appen.

My research interests focus on natural language processing, particularly in dialogue system. My personal interests include language learning, traveling, and all kinds of sports.

Linkedin and Resume (Last Updated on July 14, 2019)

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